
As COVID19 vaccines continue to roll out, some public health experts warn that vaccines will not be the panacea we are desperately hoping for. Most medical experts still remind us of keeping practicing infection control measures thoroughly to minimize the spread of the virus.

Washing your hands regularly and isolating yourself from the virus by wearing a mask are considered the most effective weapons against COVID-19. However, if we do not clean frequently touched surfaces, we wash our hands in vain.

As the leading brand of manufacturing keyboard covers, which are made of medical-grade materials, Green Onions Supply has been helping countless medical facilities prevent cross-infection by developing Keyboard Mask.

Here are the top 3 advantages of Keyboard Mask:

  1. Full-covered and flat surface. That enables you to clean the surface smoothly with rubbing alcohol without worrying about leaking into the device.
  2. Super-thin and thermally conductive material. The extremely thin cover offers every user an excellent tactile experience. Plus, the heat-conductive material avoids your laptop from overheating.BPA and latex-free. Have you ever wondered why consumers only choose BPA-free products? Quite a few studies have shown overexposure to BPA (Bisphenol A) may cause reproductive disorders, trigger heart disease, lead to hormone-related cancers, and even have a negative impact on body weight.
  3. Semi-disposable product and eco-friendly package. Think about how many plastic-made products you use and dispose of every single day. Keyboard Mask is made from durable materials and can be reused. Its package is also recyclable and certified by FSC.

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